Luxury Windows Italia participates in the Week of Wood- March 4 -8, 2019- Macroarea of Engineering of Rome “Tor Vergata”
February 27, 2019
Luxury windows Italia is participating, as a partner of HUB Legno , in the Wood Week, which will take place from March 4 to 8, 2019 at the Macroarea of Engineering in Rome “Tor Vergata,” Viale del Politecnico.
In this 2nd edition, the focus will be on promoting the use of structural wood for renovation, rehabilitation and structural consolidation interventions in buildings and urban areas. Particular attention will be paid to deepening the fundamental parameters in the business of wood construction, from design activities to construction site management, as well as the proper definition of the management aspects of the entire project (both from a technical and economic and financial point of view).