
New Design Porte

New Design Porte, Since  1966 leading company in the production of interior doors, solid wood doors, classic and modern doors

New Design Porte, leading company in the production of interior doors and furnishing accessories, was founded in Monteriggioni, Siena in 1996 by experts of the furniture industry and the interior design. The company has distinguished itself since its origin for several characteristics such the richness of ideas, the passion for aesthetic research and the experimentation of materials, shapes and finishings. New Design Porte products are unique; they are masterpieces created by thousand years of Tuscany experience in fine materials, finishes and decorations all run strictly by hand. New Design Porte is now a flexible company and it pays particular attention to the market request producing high quality products and combining the wood furniture knowledge of its experts artisans with the industrial scale production. This characteristic led the company to start the collaboration with several hotels, luxury villas, residences, both in Italy and abroad.

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